2019年2月13日 — Hi there, I would like to create a full and clean backup of my Redmi Note 7 but in TWRP I have much more than what most tutorials say, ...
2020年9月1日 — The first thing you will need is TWRP on your phone. · Advanced → File manager · Open the folder /data/media · Press the little blue folder button ...
And the TWRP backup was in the root section of the system. So you wiped your backup. -. make a folder called TWRP then place the backup in there and try.
The folder /data/media/0 is mounted at /sdcard. When backing up /data with TWRP the /data/media is excluded. So how to proper backup all the data partition, ...
2015年10月2日 — The default backup location is your internal storage TWRP/backups, but there is an option to backup to your external storage. So it depends ...
2013年11月27日 — From the SD Card's root, it should be at ./TWRP/BACKUPS/ . Restoring a backup from here using TWRP will re-root your device (If your device was ...